Himmon Copse Farm: Boer Goats, Dutch Spotted, and Blue Texel Sheep in Dorset

Week-old twins, Himmon Ebony and Ash, chilling in the coziest corner of the barn. It's tiring to be a goat kid in the big wide world!

Himmon Copse Farm is a small, family-owned farm, set on approximately eight acres of land (plus twenty acres of rented hay land) on the outskirts of Wimborne. We specialise in providing high quality Boer Goat and Dutch Spotted and Blue Texel Sheep breeding stock in Dorset, catering primarily to the South and South West markets.
We purchased the land in 1996. At the time it was a run-down stable yard, with weeds nearly as tall as us. If we had known back then that it was a goat's idea of heaven, we would have saved ourselves a lot of time and blisters in the battle to get rid of them!
After months of clearing the fields to a semi-reasonable standard, our first Friesian horses arrived from Holland. They were six months old and absolutely gorgeous. Following on from that, we purchased another Friesian, this time a four year old stallion. The plan was to use them for horse-drawn weddings and funerals, and we finally accomplished this in 2002. We took great pride in providing a professional and friendly service within the Dorset area.
The horses were always brilliant, but age began to take its toll and in 2011 we decided to retire them from commercial work. This left a void in our lives and after much research, we finally decided that Boer Goats were the answer. Since then we have never looked back.
Our newest addition is Dutch Spotted Sheep. We purchased two in-lamb Dutch Spotted ewes in 2021 as the foundation for a small pedigree flock, being the first pedigree registered breeders of Dutch Spotted sheep in Dorset, and have since grown the flock continually over the years with a strong focus on carcass conformation, hardiness/low inputs, and exceptional mothering ability.
Boer goats and Dutch Spotted Sheep are friendly, inquisitive and utterly hilarious to watch and work with. They're the biggest time-wasters around, and we really couldn't imagine life without them!
Two-week-old twins, Himmon Gambit and Gatsby, exploring the great outdoors.